News Code : 45083

PVC imports to Belarus up by 9.3% in H1.

PVC imports to Belarus up by 9.3% in H1.

Petrotahlil -Overall imports of unmixed polyvinyl chloride (PVC) into Belarus totalled 21,300 tonnes in the first six months of 2020, up by 9.3% year on year, according to MRC’s DataScope report.

According to the Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, local converters increased their purchasing of PVC in June 2020 under the pressure of seasonal demand for finished products, meaning overall imports totalled 5,600 tonnes versus 2,800 tonnes a month earlier. Russian resin accounted for the main increase in purchasing.

Russian producers with the share of about 84% of the Belarusian market were the key suppliers of resin to Belarus over the stated period. Producers from Germany and Ukraine with the share of about 7% and 6%, respectively, were the second and third largest suppliers.

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Source : ICIS



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