News Code : 42720

Export Price Of Iranian Polyethylenes In Region.

Petrotahlil:HDPE grade F7000 of Mehr Petrochemical traded by base price of 88,100 IRR and supply volume of 4004 tons in IME yesterday. transaction volume of this item was 3,190 tons supply volume increasing of this item compared to the last week caused to be purchased on base price by dealers.

Export Price Of Iranian Polyethylenes In Region.

According to Petrotahlil, currently, polyethylene market is dependent on dollar rate more than any other factor. so Iranian polyethylene market affected by Dollar price fluctuations is not stable and prediction is difficult. 

Iran LLDPE Price of AKPC, SHAZAND,  BAKHTAR, TABRIZ, JAM Petrochemicals in region  market is around 1,000 $/ton, EX3 of AKPC, MARUN,  JAM & SHAZAND  around 1,200 $/ton, and LDPE of BIPC, LALEH, ARYASASOL, AKPC, SHAZAND and BAKHTAR also reported 1,050 $/ton.


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