News Code : 42443


Expecting Rising Price for Acetic Acid

Methanol price of Shiraz petrochemical has reported about 30,000 IRR /Kg in this week which has increased since last week. According to Petrotahlil, also price of mixed Xylene of BIPC petrochemical was mentioned about 51,000 IRR /kg in Iran market. Also ortho Xylene was about 64,270 IRR /Kg. meanwhile mixed Xylene draft was 47،000 IRR, also Shiraz methanol draft was 27،000 IRR/Kg. Ortho Xylene draft priced 60،000 IRR. because of high competition, Shiraz methanol has 3,000 IRR price increase affected by dollar rising this week. Acetic acid is expected to compete today because of increased demand recently.

Expecting Rising Price for Acetic Acid
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